Did I really just run every day for a year? When I attended my first Momentum Run class, I would have easily – hands down – been elected “LEAST likely to complete a run challenge.” I whined about everything from strength training to breathing, and I especially whined at the mere thought of getting up […]
Did I Really Just Run Every Day for a Year?
Fortified Fitness Partnering with RUN FOR HIM!

We are excited to announce that Fortified Fitness is partnering up with the Bruce Gilley Memorial Foundation and RUN FOR HIM 5K & 10K! I have the GREAT privilege of serving as the Race Director for RUN FOR HIM 5K & 10K and want to invite you to participate in this wonderful day of remembering Bruce Gilley, an […]
Not the running type, but always a runner

I am not the running type. I was never a college or high school athlete. I never even played a sport in elementary school. Well, I played softball a couple of years, AND I cheered…before cheerleading was considered a sport. In high school we did some pretty cool stunts, but if you ask my sister…still […]
I am in better shape than 5 yrs ago…

I am sharing this not because it’s good but because I would like for you to be encouraged as much as I am encouraged. I have just run these 2 miles after a month of not running… First I had a hurt foot, then I had a hurt back, then I had a sore throat, now […]
I did not set out to run, I set out to save my life!

Did I just run a half marathon? On October 11, 2014, I did run a half marathon. I ran 13.1 miles! What? That’s crazy! I am still trying to wrap my mind around that. You see, 22.5 months ago I weighed 316 pounds. I had spent the majority of the previous 20 years weighing around […]
running without stopping

The following is a Facebook post I wanted to share of a friend of mine. I have been working with Laura Harle for over a year now and have watched her lose weight, workout consistently getting stronger and stronger, physically but more importantly mentally and spiritually, i have watched her start walking and eventually running her […]
What a Difference a Year Makes
1 YEAR AGO these ladies and I met at this very location to do a practice run for the Bruce Gilley Run For Him 5K – they aspired to be runners and now they are inspiring others! THEY ARE RUNNERS NOW! and I am honored to be here with them a year later to celebrate […]