I am not the running type.
I was never a college or high school athlete. I never even played a sport in elementary school. Well, I played softball a couple of years, AND I cheered…before cheerleading was considered a sport. In high school we did some pretty cool stunts, but if you ask my sister…still not an athlete.
I’ve always been a runner.
However, if I think about it another way, I’ve always been a runner. I ran from conflict, confrontation, confronting my past and facing the truth. Once, I even ran from a job I loved because I didn’t connect with the boss.
In the last several years, I was really running.
Running from myself and towards insanity mostly. I was a workaholic, achieve-aholic, succeed-aholic, busy-aholic, and even a Bible-teacher-missionary-aholic. I was just keeping enough gas in my tank to keep running from myself, so that I didn’t really have to think about who I was or what I was doing. I wore a mask that said “everything is great” on the outside, but I was crumbling on the inside.
Resentment and a lack of discipline were (are) my primary character defects (among other non-chemical addictions and compulsive behaviors). I have many, as we say in Celebrate Recovery, “hurts, habits, and hang-ups,” and I was allowing them to destroy me…but, that’s more of a Celebrate Recovery story. You can private message me on Facebook if you want (or need) to hear more.
Authentic journey.
A little over a year ago I began a journey to live my life as my authentic self. No longer wearing a mask, no more running from myself, or my past. No more avoiding confrontation or conflict. No more beating myself up for choices I had made, and no more living in fantasy or regret.
I didn’t exactly set out to become a runner (we’re talking physical running now). I had been working on other aspects of my life…mental, emotional, spiritual…but, I hadn’t really been working on my physical health. I knew enough about myself that I needed community, support. I knew it needed to be something I could do in a group or alone, indoors or outdoors, when I was home or when I was traveling. Running seemed to be the one thing that fit all of that.
I haven’t always taken care of myself
My decision to start running was less about physical running, and more about a desire for discipline and to become intentional about taking better care of my physical well being or my temple, if you will. I haven’t always taken care of myself…poor food and beverage choices, over indulgences, lack of sleep or rest, no exercise; just poor choice after poor choice.
I am grateful that I found Momentum Run and Fortified Fitness! Coaches Wayne Burns and Rod Key are champions of support! They meet you where you are and help you reach your goals. They support you, encourage you, and push you! Learning tips and techniques about running and running in community with the weekly Saturday morning group have increased my love for running…or at least decreased my hatred for it.
One day at a time.
Today I live my life literally one day at a time. That is how I was successful in the Thanksgiving to New Year’s Challenge to run just one mile a day, every day. One day at a time. I never really thought I would become a runner, and I certainly never thought I’d complete a 36 day challenge or run at least one mile a day, every day. Every day. EVERY day. I’ve told Coach Wayne this was just the beginning, so in 2015…one day at a time, I will make a choice every day to be more, better, stronger, for Him (Jesus) EVERY day!
So, what’s my 2015 challenge?
I made up my own challenge that I’m calling the “20/20/20.” I plan to run at least 20 minutes a day (hoping this will help me get faster), read God’s Word for at least 20 minutes a day (to build by relationship with Jesus), and to choose positive things for at least 20 minutes a day: meditate, pray, yoga, encourage others, or a host of many other things to build trust and clarity, and to build up others.
i am I AM Fortified!
– written by Jill Spry
Read more at http://iamfortified.com/run365/#SCF31m5sYV8rCWlW.99
#iamfortified #202020challenge
Read More for Jill: Run365

About Jill Spry: I’m a simple girl from a small town, living one day at a time; a fellow struggler, following Christ. I choose intentional living over living by default. If I can… with Him, so can you.” #IAMfortified