#TheFinal5 Challenge / Finish 2017 STRONG!

  With all of the celebrating and busyness of the holidays it’s easy to eat too much, move too little and find yourself spread way to thin. We want to encourage and challenge you to live intentionally for the FINAL 5 WEEKS of 2017 from THANKSGIVING to NEW YEARS DAY.   It is possible to […]

MASTERPIECE – Intentional Nutrition & Weight Loss Video!

[vimeography id=”4″] The STRUGGLE at over 300 lbs was real for Angela but she realized that the REAL STRUGGLE was not making life changes and living intentionally within God’s designed boundaries, it was carrying the EXTRA WEIGHT of a FULL GROWN ADULT and all the mental and emotional baggage of the battle within! Forget what […]

Be Ready!

Out of my mind… If you had told me 6 years ago, heck even 1 year ago I’d be applying for American Ninja Warrior I would have told you, “you are out of your mind!”  But events HAVE lead us to this point. The video is done (looking forward to sharing the video soon) and the application submitted! Now it’s in the […]

The Scale… what it is and what it is not

What is the purpose of the scale? Why should I weigh once a week? What the scale is not! According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of a scale is “an instrument or machine for weighing”.  So, the purpose of the scale is to measure the weight of an object or person. The scale is a tool […]

What I do when I eat but don’t feel full

Enough is Enough.  Sometimes, I might eat something and feel satisfied. Other times, I eat the same thing and think, “Did I already eat that? – I don’t feel like I have eaten anything.” This has happened to me numerous times. I have a choice. In that moment, I have a choice – do I […]

Counting Calories – Prison or Tool?

Many people are hesitant to talk about counting calories. I know I was!!!!! I have counted calories many times over the years of trying to lose weight. At one point, I decided “I was never going to count calories again”. I viewed counting calories like a prison, like bondage – restrictive. When Wayne and I […]

Weight loss: simple, sustainable, bankable

Weightloss according to God’s design of the body  simple, sustainable, bankable. Food is fuel – Eat on purpose. i hear some talk about tracking calories as “prison” or a burden BUT i would encourage you to look at it as a TOOL to measure your calorie intake. if you don’t know the truth of where you […]