If you knew you had a treasure, worth enough to radically change every facet your life, buried deep in your front yard what would you do? Would you say: I just don’t have time right to do all that digging right now. It’s going to take way to much time and the work is going to […]
Start Digging!
Joy Awaits…

The question the Father asks that cuts directly to the heart of finding JOY is: “Do you trust Me?” The doctor delivers the news that your husband, wife, or child has cancer… Do you trust Me? Things at work have slowed down and they will have to let you go… Do you trust Me? My spouse has […]
I am an avid cyclist who enjoys riding every day – weather permitting. Riding my bike 20 or 30 miles a day wasn’t doing enough for me so I looked for another alternative. That is when I found Wayne Burns at Fortified Fitness. I started working out with Wayne in the afternoons in May of […]
Get Out of Your Comfort Zone!

I was quickly approaching the “Big 40” and was ready to make a change. The grandfather I never knew had passed away of a heart attack at 55. It’s okay to put yourself first, especially when it’s your health. Fortified Fitness is a safe, comfortable, non-intimidating place to make that change. To watch small changes […]
Age is Just a Number
I’m so proud of Brenda Wilson and the incredible progress she has made in less than a year at Fortified Fitness! She is working hard and it shows!! She is a flourishing example of how age is just a number! She talked to me over a year ago at church about wanting to implement some change in her life to […]

When you are oriented, standing further away from a large object, like say, a mountain or the moon, it seems small. As you move toward the object it “grows” bigger and bigger. But in actuality the object never changed. Just your perspective changed. During our family devotion time the other night, my 9 year old […]
Google Defines a Mirage as: “Something that appears real or possible, but is not in fact so” Optical Illusion If you are in the desert, sometimes the conditions in the desert cause an optical illusion through the refraction of light from the sun and heated air. If you are thirsty, you react by changing your direction […]
Thankful for God’s Provision

You have been so encouraging, loving, supportive and excited with me along this journey I am on. However you have contributed (smiles, kind words, encouragements, meals, prayers, financially, HUGS, exercising together, friendship, questions – opportunities to share, reminders of Truth) – they are all appreciated and so treasured to me!! Thank you! It is kind of long […]
The Scale… what it is and what it is not

What is the purpose of the scale? Why should I weigh once a week? What the scale is not! According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of a scale is “an instrument or machine for weighing”. So, the purpose of the scale is to measure the weight of an object or person. The scale is a tool […]
Not the running type, but always a runner

I am not the running type. I was never a college or high school athlete. I never even played a sport in elementary school. Well, I played softball a couple of years, AND I cheered…before cheerleading was considered a sport. In high school we did some pretty cool stunts, but if you ask my sister…still […]