When you are oriented, standing further away from a large object, like say, a mountain or the moon, it seems small. As you move toward the object it “grows” bigger and bigger. But in actuality the object never changed. Just your perspective changed. During our family devotion time the other night, my 9 year old […]
Google Defines a Mirage as: “Something that appears real or possible, but is not in fact so” Optical Illusion If you are in the desert, sometimes the conditions in the desert cause an optical illusion through the refraction of light from the sun and heated air. If you are thirsty, you react by changing your direction […]
30 Day BE STILL Challenge
Take the 30 day BE STILL challenge. Set a timer for 20 minutes… stop being busy and sit down with your Bible and maybe a devotional or Worship music and spend uninterrupted time with Jesus. You will be absolutely amazed at what God will do in your life as you stir intimacy with THE ONE who […]