There Was Daily Pain… I have suffered with RA (rheumatoid arthritis) and fibromyalgia for over 12 years. I have also had several surgeries and a joint replacement due to the damage from RA. Pain is a part of RA and for a time, there was daily pain. There were also many days when I could […]
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From Pain to Improving My Body for God’s Glory
April 8, 2016 by iam_wayne
Filed Under: bestillandmove, fitness, goals, LIVE OUT LOUD, Uncategorized, Your Stories Tagged With: bestillandmove, challenge, daily challenge, goals, iamfortified, intentional, LIVE OUT LOUD, pain, rheumatoid arthritis, thrive, walking
Angela has beaten the odds & so can you!
February 7, 2015 by iam_wayne

Angela Morrell has done in the past 2 years what she and so many others have tried repeatedly, but never been able to do. She has chosen to live in the boundaries that God has designed for her one day at a time. The result has been amazing. Her body has used the stores of energy […]
Filed Under: Angela's Corner, fitness, goals, Masterpiece, Uncategorized, wellness, Your Stories Tagged With: angela morrell, boundaries, go fund me, skin removal surgery, thrive, weight loss