This is the very first MASTERPIECE FORUM – Wayne & Angela talk about their journey and the lessons they’ve learning working together for over a year – it’s very raw and fresh and very honest and sometimes that’s the best kind of presentation. Masterpiece Forum – February 22, 2014 from Wayne Burns on Vimeo.
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The First Masterpiece Forum
March 11, 2014 by iam_wayne
Filed Under: Angela's Corner, fitness, goals, I AM, Jesus, LIVE OUT LOUD, Masterpiece, Testamonies, Uncategorized, Wayne's Corner, wellness, Your Stories Tagged With: abundant life, active living, angela morrell, exercise, life transformation, masterpiece, masterpiece forum, wayne burns, weight loss
seeking for the Treasure
January 2, 2014 by iam_wayne

I was at men’s group this morning and Jesus laid on my heart a beautiful picture of my life today. As a dad I will hide Easter eggs this weekend. We will pick places that will be more obvious for our 3 year old and more challenging for our 7 and 8 year old, but each one I […]
Filed Under: I AM, Jesus, Testamonies, Uncategorized, Wayne's Corner, Your Stories Tagged With: easter eggs, seeking treasure, treasure