As of August 25, 2014, Angela Morrell hit a milestone and has dropped over half her body weight since our first meeting on November 20, 2012. She has lost as much as I CURRENTLY WEIGH – Like she was carrying a WAYNE BURNS ON HER BACK! I am so proud of her intentional daily living in the […]
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Carrying Around a Full Grown Man
September 1, 2014 by iam_wayne
Filed Under: Angela's Corner, fitness, goals, LIVE OUT LOUD, Masterpiece, Testamonies, Uncategorized, Your Stories
Couch Mode VS Beast Mode
July 15, 2014 by iam_wayne

I talk to alot of people about fitness & weight loss & wanted to share the journey God is leading me on past and present. feeling heavy Around 5 yrs ago I was at my heaviest not just physically but mentally. I had no motivation. I felt tired, oppressed, lethargic, and defeated. My wife and I […]
Filed Under: fitness, LIVE OUT LOUD, Uncategorized, Wayne's Corner, wellness, Your Stories
The First Masterpiece Forum
March 11, 2014 by iam_wayne

This is the very first MASTERPIECE FORUM – Wayne & Angela talk about their journey and the lessons they’ve learning working together for over a year – it’s very raw and fresh and very honest and sometimes that’s the best kind of presentation. Masterpiece Forum – February 22, 2014 from Wayne Burns on Vimeo.
Filed Under: Angela's Corner, fitness, goals, I AM, Jesus, LIVE OUT LOUD, Masterpiece, Testamonies, Uncategorized, Wayne's Corner, wellness, Your Stories Tagged With: abundant life, active living, angela morrell, exercise, life transformation, masterpiece, masterpiece forum, wayne burns, weight loss