What is the purpose of the scale? Why should I weigh once a week? What the scale is not! According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of a scale is “an instrument or machine for weighing”. So, the purpose of the scale is to measure the weight of an object or person. The scale is a tool […]
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The Scale… what it is and what it is not
May 24, 2015 by Angela
Filed Under: Angela's Corner, goals, LIVE OUT LOUD, Masterpiece, nutrition, Uncategorized, Your Stories Tagged With: accountability, angela morrell, bankable, God's design, intentional living, LIVE OUT LOUD, masterpiece, myfitnesspal, nothing is impossible, scale, simple weightloss, the scale, vibrant living, weight loss, weightloss tools
166 lbs lost yet so much gained!
November 20, 2014 by Angela

Forever Changed 2 years ago on November 20, 2012, I sat with Wayne Burns on his back porch and we had a conversation that was the beginning of a beautiful journey. Through this continuing journey, my life is forever changed. 166 pounds gone and yet so much has been gained! 166 pounds gone and yet so much […]
Filed Under: Angela's Corner, fitness, goals, Jesus, LIVE OUT LOUD, Masterpiece, Testamonies, Uncategorized, wellness, Your Stories Tagged With: accountability, angela morrell, be still, christ follower, Christ give me strength, forever changed, full life, God's design, God's Masterpiece, i can do all things through Christ, LIVE OUT LOUD, masterpiece, masterpiece seminar, masterpiece series, nothing is impossible, simple, simple weightloss, sustainable, thankful, vibrant living, weight loss, weightloss, weightloss tools
running without stopping
September 22, 2014 by iamfortified

The following is a Facebook post I wanted to share of a friend of mine. I have been working with Laura Harle for over a year now and have watched her lose weight, workout consistently getting stronger and stronger, physically but more importantly mentally and spiritually, i have watched her start walking and eventually running her […]
Filed Under: fitness, goals, I AM, Jesus, LIVE OUT LOUD, Masterpiece, running, Testamonies, Uncategorized, wellness, Your Stories Tagged With: Christ, Christ give me strength, Creator, i can do all things through Christ, In awe, Jesus, lead from strengths, LIVE OUT LOUD, MOMENTUM RUN, nothing is impossible, Philippians 4:13, running