Sydney (14 years old)
When I first started working out with Wayne, I was really nervous. When I walked in to Fortified Fitness, he made me feel comfortable and I didn’t feel pressured to meet the expectations. After working out with Wayne, I was able to develop a stronger sense of self-confidence.
God created the human body in a way that is so awesome and amazing.
God created the human body in a way that is so awesome and amazing. That He created our bodies to function with certain kinds of fuel (food) that allow us to live our lives happy and full of energy.
Working out with Wayne has helped me become stronger physically, mentally, and spiritually and I thank God everyday that he put Wayne into my life.
-Sydney (14 years old)

Jenny (Sydney’s Mother)
Making a connection with your teenager seems challenging these days.
Making a connection with your teenager seems challenging these days. Sydney and I find that this is a time we can connect and challenge each other. It has brought us closer together as mother and daughter. Who would have thought sweating it out together could allow us lots of laughter and smiles?
As a mother of two daughters I want them both to know and understand they are created in the image of God. I want them to love themselves for who they were created to be in his sight. In a world that often promotes girls in a negative way, it was important for me to find an environment that promotes a positive environment for my teenager. Fortified Fitness is the PLACE that promotes self-worth, confidence, pride, LOVE, community, and strength.
– Jenny (Sydney’s Mom)
Proverbs 31:25 – She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.
Can I just say how proud I am of both Jenny and Sydney and what an amazing honor it is to be a part of their journey for the past two years. They get up way early in the morning to come work out at Fortified with a group of encouraging ladies. I’ve seen them gain strength and confidence which has naturally overflowed into other areas in their life. They are a great example of family encouragement and accountability. It’s been amazing to see so many mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, husbands and wives make the investment to workout together and coming closer together because of it!
– Wayne Burns, Fortified Fitness Owner & Trainer
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